Your Options

Providing adoption, parenting, and abortion information so you can make an informed decision


When you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy, you have three options to consider. Our pregnancy decision consultants have helped hundreds of women walk through their options. Explore the facts here, then contact us to get answers to your questions.

Pregnancy Care Center offers accurate information about all your pregnancy options; however, we do not offer or refer for abortion services. The information presented on this website is intended for general education purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional and/or medical advice.

Abortion Information

Abortion providers offer both medical and surgical abortions. The types of abortion that may be available depend on factors such as how far along a woman is in her pregnancy and what kinds of procedures an abortion provider offers. Consider all the facts so that you can make an informed decision.

You’re pregnant! There are many things to consider when evaluating your pregnancy options. With all the stress and uncertainty, you might be considering abortion. In addition to the physical and spiritual demands a termination places on you, there is also a monetary cost associated as well. It is important to know the financial burden associated and costs in your area.

Find out about Abortion Costs here.

There are two types of termination, medical and surgical.  Medical terminations, also know as The Pill or RU-486 can be taken up to 70 days after the start of your last menstrual period.  Surgical terminations are done using medical instruments to physically terminate the pregnancy.

Find out about Abortion Procedures here.

Medication termination also called ‘the pill’, can be taken up to 10 weeks pregnant. The typical cost for the pill in Maryland is $400-525 but could be higher per provider.

Find out about The Abortion Pill here.

It may seem like abortion is the solution to moving on with your life or getting back on track. No matter what you choose – to carry or to abort – your life is forever changed. This pregnancy will always be part of your story.

Abortion carries the potential for physical complications, which are significant if they happen to you. Did you know that surgical and later term abortions are also associated with an increased risk of emotional/psychological complications such as depression, anxiety, and relationship difficulties?21-26 Women are not the only ones who may be in distress after abortion: Men can suffer too.27-29

Some women who struggle with past abortions say that they wish they had been told all of the facts about abortion and its risks before they made that choice. If you or someone you know is experiencing regret from an abortion, Pregnancy Care Center offers confidential, compassionate support designed to help women and men work through these feelings. You are not alone.


Pregnancy Care Center offers accurate information about all your pregnancy options; however, we do not offer or refer for abortion services. The information presented on this website is intended for general education purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional and/or medical advice.

Parenting Information

Our consultations are a safe way to educate yourself about options like co-parenting, married parenting, and single parenting. Welcoming a child into the world means a lot of changes. Some are big, some are smaller; some are exciting, others are scary. You don’t have to prepare for parenting alone. Whatever option you choose, we can help you become the best parent you can be.

Adoption Information

When there are no easy options, some women and couples ask: Could adoption be right for me and my baby? Many women or couples can find the choice of adoption difficult; however, being able to understand the adoption process often gives women and couples peace of mind.

There is plenty of time to consider whether adoption is the right parenting choice for your child . . . what kind of family you want to place your child in . . . and how much ongoing contact you want with him or her? You have the right to understand how adoption could affect you and to receive support, including counseling during and after your pregnancy. We can help you consider the facts about adoption, as you decide if it may be a fit for your situation. We are not connected with any adoption agency and never profit from your decision.

In an open adoption, the Adoptive Parents and Birth Parents share contact during the pregnancy and after the birth. There is not one level of openness that works for all adoptions so this can mean sharing photos, phone calls, texts and sometimes even visits.

Most experts and adoption professionals will agree that an open adoption is the healthiest for those involved but they also stress that the level of openness should always focus on meeting the needs of the child, not the Adoptive Parents or the Birth Parents.

In a semi-open adoption, Birth Parents and Adoptive Parents will share non-identifying information and the communication between Birth Parents and Adoptive Parents will typically be handled by their adoption agency/professional.

In a closed adoption, no information or contact is shared between the Adoptive Parents and Birth Parents.

In the past, almost all adoptions in the US were closed, but today, most adoptions will have some level of openness.

A Post Adoption Contact Agreement (PACA) is an agreement that allows for certain, specified contact between the Birth Parents and Adoptive Parents. Laws on PACAs will vary from state to state. Some states will enforce them so long as they serve the best interest of the child and other states will either prohibit or not enforce them.

Make An Appointment

Request an appointment to discuss your options with one of our pregnancy decision consultants.


Pregnancy Care Center provides professional medical services and compassionate care. Since 2009, women in the Martinsville area and beyond have trusted PCC when facing an unplanned pregnancy.

“Everyone is very nice and helpful. They make you feel very comfortable.”

- PCC Client

“The spirit of the people here is amazing. I love the insight and the environment.”

- PCC Client

“I felt so welcomed, respected, and loved.”

- PCC Client